Colleges and SPIs will now be required to achieve cyber essentials during the 2024 to 2025 funding year. The requirement to obtain an annual IT health check will be removed.
ASME, the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) cyber essentials delivery partner, has created useful guidance documents for schools which also apply to colleges.
You can also:
use IASME’s free Cyber Essentials Readiness tool to get tailored advice
work with an NCSC-assured Cyber Advisor or a Cyber Essentials Certification Body near you
The NCSC have recently reported that 92% fewer insurance claims are made by organisations with Cyber Essentials controls in place.

We have DfE Digital Standards for Schools and Colleges checklists as part of our platform to help you to work towards digital compliance. Contact us on
Consider starting by going through our Information and Cyber Security Best Practice Checklist and looking at the help, guidance and policy templates in our Information & Cyber Security Best Practice Area.
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