The data of hundreds of pupils was shared with two parents in response to a Freedom of information request when the couple requested information about the use of the school's withdrawal room.
An FOI is a request under the Freedom of Information Act which allows any individual or organisation to make a request to a public authority for information they have recorded. It does NOT involve sharing any personal data.
In this instance a spreadsheet was shared which contained names, dates of birth, child protection orders and whether pupils are eligible for free school meals - data that is considered special category. Special category data is considered sensitive and covered by Article 9 of the UK GDPR. When processing special category data, you must always ensure that your processing is lawful, fair and transparent and complies with all the other principles and requirements of the UK GDPR. Sharing special category data 'by accident' is considered a serious data breach, as it requires extra care and specific conditions for processing under the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
The Wellsway School data breach was reported to the ICO 👉 BBC Report: Pupils' sensitive data shared by mistake

Our advice is:
💡 Keep data in the system where it was designed to be kept (data protection by design and default). Removing lists and sensitive data from secure systems generally results in data breaches as they are not covered by security. It will also mean that they will likely not adhere to other UK GDPR principles such only keeping the data you need for as long as you need.
Information Security Best Practice
💡Ensure all staff understand the difference between a Subject Access Request and a Freedom of Information Request - a SAR shares personal data of the requestor, an FOI shares no personal data. Ensure staff know how these types of requests may be received and what to do if they receive one.
Subject Access Request Best Practice
Freedom of Information Best Practice
💡Have your DPO check any responses to FOI requests that you send out! Ensure they are reviewed - if you share a spreadsheet, for example, it may have data hidden in other worksheets. Always get someone to check what you are sending out.
💡Should a data breach occur when someone sends out the wrong information - act immediately! Contact your DPO for further advice.
Data Breach Best Practice
💡Train staff regularly about how to keep all data safe and understand what extra security is needed for special category data. Those that handle large volumes of special category data should have extra training.
Data Protection Training Courses